What do we do?

Corals for Conservation works with heat adapted "super corals", giving hope for the future of coral reefs

Coral Restoration


Coral restoration focuses on propagating coral stocks within nurseries – imagine underwater coral farms, where coral fragments are then outplanted onto degraded reefs which helps increase the growth of the reef. Corals for Conservation uses strong, science-based techniques to grow threatened coral species and create a sustainable source of healthy coral colonies for use in active reef restoration.

Explore Reef Sites

Coral outplanting in numbers


Corals outplanted

Speed growth

How much faster do our corals grow compared to natural colonies?



What is the average survivorship of outplanted corals?

Corals coverage

Linear extension

What is the total linear extension of outplanted corals?


Diversity of coral species in the outplanted ecosystem

Fish survey

How many new species are living on the outplanted reef?

Coral nurseries

Coral nurseries are habitats dedicated to foster coral growth. Many nurseries have “coral trees” where the fragments are suspended like Christmas tree ornaments. Studies have shown that the suspending of coral fragments in the water column accelerates their growth drastically, while also protecting them from excess sedimentation on the ocean floor. Corals for Conservation uses platforms to grow their threatened coral species.

Coral nurseries are

Natural spawning

Coral spawning is an annual phenomenon during which corals of the same species synchronize the release of sperm and eggs (gametes) into the water column over several days following the full moon 🌚. The little white balls that look like snow are coral gametes! Natural spawning is a great sign of healthy corals, as they don't spawn when they are sick or stressed.

Coral Science

Coral reef science can drastically help future coral generations survive, by choosing more heat-resistant genotypes, or conducting experiments to maximize coral reef survival.

currently working on

Organizing and cataloging the different species and genotypes in the coral gene bank nursery.

Coral species we work on

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Top research publications






Top projects funded with grants


in grants





Coral Education

We work to educate local communities about coral reefs and sustainability, through events, informational talks, volunteer days, and diving expeditions. We also help communities find alternative livelihoods to fishing, such as raising chickens.

community in numbers


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next diving expedition



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Get involved

Our coral leaders

Dr. Austin Bowden-Kerby

Executive Director

Annelise McDougall

Project Manager

Wilson Hazelman

Field Technician

Meet the team


There are three main areas in which coral conservation organizations usually focus their resources on: coral restoration, coral science & research and last but not least, coral education. This is a breakdown for how this organization distributes their funds.

funds distribution in 2021

Local Conservation